All things you need to know about malaria.

Malaria is a life threatening parasite caused by Plasmodium species. Malaria In human being affects various ages and transmitted by female anopheles mosquito. Malaria infection in human being is a major public health problem in tropical and subtropical region throughout the world. The malaria has been most widely evaluated in Africa, the study subject consist of The Sahara where 90% of the global malaria among people come for malaria test, malaria is caused, mainly by plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium ovale, plasmodium malarie and plasmodium vivax. The human where of varying in malarious areas of Africa, most of whom reside in area ranging from 20-40 years and also of different status relatively stable malaria transmission. WHO (2019)


The Plasmodium parasite spend its life cycle partly in human and partly in mosquito. When an infected mosquito bites healthy person it introduce parasite the sporozoite stage in body. This sporozoite migrate to the liver, multiply and develop into trophozoite which then invades the red blood cell, In these cell they devide sexually forming numerous merozoite which then invade the red blood cells. Some merozoite also develops into gametocyte a mosquito pick up this gametocyte when it bites an infected. CDC(2002)

Breeding place for mosquitoes.

Mosquito breed in area where there is standing water or temporal pool. Mosquito commonly breed in salt marshes, swap and areas flooded by snow melt and spring rain. However a small collection of water ground home can breed thousands of mosquito. Some common site are birds bath roof gathor basins, rain, barriels, swimming pools, wading pools, septic tanks, tires, paint bucket  tin can yard debris tree holes and anywhere that can hold a small collection of water.

Effects of malaria among human race 

The most well-known and typical effect of malaria are cold and fever, which tend repeat in cycles. The cycles occur about every other days is plasmodium vivax and plasmodium ovale infection but every three days in plasmodium malarae infection the cycle caused by p. falciparum are bit more frequent than those of other parasite and fever may be continuous. Other possible effect malaria include vomiting, win pain, convulsion and damage to the retina. Cerebral malaria in which the infection reaches the brain, may cause brain damage and cognitive impairment especially in children who are most susceptible to cerebral infection. Cerebral malaria associated with whitening of retina, plasmodium falciparum is both the most prevalent form of malaria and the most deadly. It is responsible for more child diseases.

Effects of malaria caused by falciparum can include enlarged spleen or liver, restricted blood supply to the brain, haemoglobinuria or presence haemoglobin in the urine, severe headache and hypoglycaemia or abnormal low blood sugar. If untreated it can it can cause kidney failure, coma and may lead to death, it may also cause developmental disorder in children.

Symptoms of malaria 

Symptoms of malaria are fever, including shaking chills, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness. Nausea, and vomiting.

Prevention and control of malaria 

To control or prevent the spread of malaria parasite you must clearing grasses that are near to the environment, especially places with high rate of malaria infection. The use of mosquito barrier such as mosquito net, mosquito coil and other insecticides should be encourage.

-Draining swamp ditch pool clogged drain and similar place frequently so that mosquito cannot find suitable place to lay egg.

Disposing unwanted container such as tins, cans and coconut shell which can collect water provide suitable breeding place for mosquito can be done by burying and burning the containers in a place where there are no garbage disposal service.

Adding salt to anti-traps, this making the water unsuitable for egg development.

-Use of insecticide which kills various stages of the mosquito. Insecticide may be sprayed on to interior surface of houses or shelter. Oil used for spraying water bodies is often mixed with insecticides.

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